
Hairzbalance & Psychological Astrology

Healing: Hairzbalance & Psychological Astrology

HairzBalance is a healing method developed by Reinhold Kopp. Reinhold learnt to recognise and read emotional states of people over the material body and energy body and especially over the meridians that terminate in the hair. Through Hairzbalance Reinhold and his certified practitioners can guide people towards their inner balance; into a space in which the body, mind and soul unite together as a whole. 

By accessing the subconscious mid using different approaches such as, the wooden rod pendulum, cards, chakras, etc; HarizBalance practitioners can guide patients from low emotional states (such as fear, anger, rage, sadness and anxiety) to a reconnection with their body and soul. Hairzbalance is a way to address and use physical pain as a guideline to gain access to the subconscious brain; healing from past traumas and leading to health and wellbeing.  

Why HairzBalance

Some people may consider accidents and pain to be purely “accidental”. Others, may consider that there is, for some unknown reason, a link between events in life and our current state. Arturo has spent many years researching the origin of pain and why it manifests in some people and in others’ not. Why does pain appear in certain mind sets and why in others we completely forget about it. Osteopathy was one of the first answers Arturo found, after tai chi, yoga, sports (and pain killers!) to be effective but he still believed that there was something else. 

Although not scientifically proven there are many other healing approaches that have deep healing powers over susceptible people. It is Arturo’s belief that it’s worth exploring all possibilities such as meridian work, meditation, acupuncture, etc. and find which one is right for you. Coming from a very scientific approach during his studies in osteopathy and evidence based approach to treatment Arturo found that there was still a missing link. And with HairzBalance he found the answer; there are deeper meanings to pain that one can explore if he or she wants to go all the way down the rabbit hole. 

This journey will take you to the deepest parts of your body, mind and soul and you will encounter things you may have, consciously or unconsciously, hidden for years in the shadow (as described by Ruediger Dahlke). This place is where we have stored all our dark attitudes towards life. These then express themselves as physical pain or disease. As Dhalke would put it; disease makes us honest. And it’s up to us to decide if we want to look at the mental and spiritual origin of disease. 

If you want to go down the rabbit hole with Arturo; fasten your seatbelt! 

This will surely be a bumpy ride. You will see things you may not be willing to see and you will need to work on it on your own for days, weeks or months after the session. Arturo is more than happy to guide you in the process, and support you through it via phone or email consultations after your session, but the decision to open the door has to come from you. Arturo, thanks to Reinhold, has opened the door and although it was a hard process he is absolutely sure it can help many people in this world. 

Enjoy the flight! 

How does HairzBalance work?

When you book a HairzBalance healing session please allow 2h30 to arrive, settle and for Arturo to take you case history. Before the Hairzbalance begins, Arturo will make sure that your complaint is dealt with in a medical/orthopaedic evidence based approach to ensure we don’t miss out something important which should be dealt with by your doctor. 

Once the case history is taken and red flags (warning signs of pathology) are ruled out Arturo will then direct towards a healing space. You will be asked questions about your emotional and spiritual state, stress, sleep, family situation, etc. Then, you will be asked to stand and Arturo will observe you from back, side and front. Then he may ask some questions and invite you to lied down in the couch. You will not have to undress (like sometimes in osteopathy). Then Arturo will use the wooden rod pendulum to test your joints and may place some cards underneath them. He will keep on asking question on what you see and feel. Then he may put some coloured sheets over you and keep on asking questions about your life and family. Then he may play some music that may induce a certain emotional state. This at any time may lead to tears and strong emotional distress. Arturo may then preform some gentle mobilisations, manipulations of joints or inhibition of certain muscles. When you’ve reached the point of acknowledging where your complaint arises from you will be left to rest on the couch. Once you are ready you may get up. 

This work needs continuity so you may be asked to meditate or repeat some sort of mantra during several weeks or months. (Arturo has been treated himself by Reinhold and the process is still going)